Thursday, December 31, 2009

Prepping for first day of class

Just before the New Year another letter arrived with information about our first day of class and how to register for online training.  Housekeeping stuff...... having done online courses in grad school some time back I was in familiar territory, so just went through the instructions to get set up.  Nothing to it.

So far I've been very impressed with how things are going..... they certainly seem to have their administrative act together.  No major barriers/irritations to getting started, which can be a real turn-off.  I've heard from MG friends of mine that it's quite a tight knit group - friends will get made quickly, and there'll be a lot of fun intermingled with the hard work to come.

As I walked through the garden up to the compost bin the other day, to add the latest batch of kitchen scraps to the pile, I looked around at the plants.....jeepers, I really don't know the proper names for most of these guys.  Many of my non-MG gardening friends know way more than I do and can crank out names for this, that and the other with total ease.   It's been mostly luck that the plants in my garden have survived to my tendings.  I'm not totally clueless, don't get me wrong, but I'm certainly not wise to the details beyond general rules like "stick to natives", "know what works well in sunny spots or the shade", "don't over-water", "compost is a good thing" etc.  

Here I am, on New Year's Eve 2009 with so much to be thankful for, and lots to look forward to in 2010 and beyond.  Can't resist the metaphor, but as it pertains to my MG journey, I look forward to growing as a gardener, blossoming and yielding abundant fruit that I can share with others. 

Happy New Year everyone!

1 comment:

Donna D. said...

I will vicariously join you on your journey. It's such a heady pursuit with big rewards. Onward.