Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Yum yum!

One of the delicious delights of being in the weekly Master Gardener classes is the snack bar....

Each table-team is responsible for bringing in the goodies for a given class.  The mentors spoiled us for the first class, then it's one table-team per week for 10 weeks and we all pitch in for the final class.   Goodies consist of a morning snack and an afternoon snack, so with 9 people per table-team, that's 18 different delights to choose from each week. Oh my!

Here's what a typical morning table looks like.....

....... I gain a pound just looking at it!

We've had some very creative and delicious contributions.  Fruits - both fresh and dried, nuts, quick-breads, bagels with assorted cream cheeses, yogurt bar with various toppings, hummus in umpteen flavors, cheese trays, veggie/dip trays, chips and crackers of every type, and of course a calorific display of home made brownies, cookies and other baked goods.  Suffice to say, if you oversleep, and in the mad dash to get to class you forget to pack a lunch, you will probably sustain yourself quite deliciously.

Our final class is a pot luck lunch instead of more snacks - guess we should consider the snack exercise a practice run for the big event.  Think about it.... 100 or so students/faculty bringing in pot luck contributions..... they're going to have to haul us out of there in wheelbarrows!

So, if you decide to go through the MG program, be prepared to put your culinary talents to work..... and you might want to think about biking to class or signing up at the gym...... or bringing some serious willpower.

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