65 questions...... all over the place in terms of subject matter covered. Suffice to say.... gotta either know the answers or know where to find the answers, or you're in for a time consuming grind.
We've had access to the Qs for quite a while, so as I've been working through the weekly homework I've been doing a sweep of the exam stuff and answering any relevant questions while the topic is fresh in my mind.
Found a few that had tricky wording..... tried to figure out if I'd missed something in the learning effort, or if it was a badly written question. Some fellow students had similar observations....... mmmmmm, what to do?
(..... some time later)
Well, we decided to get together to discuss things and see if we could sort it out. Suffice to say.... a few of them are still up in the air, so we'll just go with our gut and see what happens. Was good to bash heads and see what others were thinking..... it is open book after all, so consulting any/all resources isn't a no-no.
(..... more time later)
Just finished uploading the answers. Go figure! I got the tricky ones right and blew it on 3 other ones..... two of which I downright disagree with what the system says is the right answer, and have definitive proof in the text-book that the Q is set up wrong, so technically speaking, I just got one wrong, but even that one is questionable... the way it was written threw me off (bad grammar). Heck, this stuff is important! I could give out the wrong advice if I believe the answer key is correct..... gotta push back when you have to, right?
Bottom line, I got enough points to pass, so I'm all done. Woo hoo!
1 comment:
Hi Carol!
Meg here (one of the mentors).
If you haven't already, please, please, please give feedback to Elaine about the poorly written/confusing/just plain wrong questions. I know that as our group worked through the final at our study party, we had issues too.
And I need to go tell my everbearing raspberries that the MG Final exam says they do not produce on first year canes, so just knock it off! :)
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