There are 34 people on our clinic roster. 28 women and 6 guys (lucky guys!) Most are seasoned MGs... two of us are first year interns (well, not officially yet... we still need to finish the course/exam stuff but I'm going confident on this one.....), one guy is a second year intern and some folks are substitutes (emeritus MGers who don't have to do the regular clinic gig anymore, but pitch in once in a while when needed).
About 17 showed up for the event, making the pot luck a delightful and delicious way to start my clinic experience!

A home-made soup bar, assorted salads and breads and a few sweet indulgences to finish things off. A welcoming group and good conversation. Nice bunch of folks! : )
Then we got down to business. All the leaders from the various MG clinics in King County had gathered some time ago with the MG-coordinator for a 2010 meeting to get the latest/greatest information etc, and now they were imparting it to all of us. Policies, procedures, budget info, new plans for 2010 and the like. All good stuff to know.
The 2010 schedule was shared. Impressive how it's all put together. Oh my. So many moving parts to factor in, what with all of us providing our scheduling preferences- and it all has to be figured out to cover the two separate clinics that our team supports. Ends up in a spiffy spreadsheet with everything easy to read and understand. Didn't need a translator or anything. Nicely done!
I've been assigned a clinic mentor..... a buddy who will guide me along on my clinic'ing journey. LeRoy's his name. Hope I don't kill him with stupid questions and a never-ending stream of "can you help me figure out what this plant/disease is?" : )

My first clinic will be at Pickering Barn (Issaquah Farmer's Market) on Saturday, April 17th. 9:30am - 2:00pm. If you're in the neighborhood, swing by and say "hi" and cheer me on! If you have a plant problem that needs solving.... try to bring me one that's not too difficult! Powdery mildew and black spot are about my limit right now!
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