Monday, April 4, 2011

Bears and Compost Piles

Got a problem with bears rummaging through your compost pile?

Well, eHow has a suggested method for solving the problem..... but below is an alternative approach that's much less expensive and less time consuming too...... heard about it at a recent gathering of the Trellis club here in Fall City.

Step 1:  Go buy a packet of twinkies .......

..... and a handful of scotch bonnet peppers....

Step 2: Put on some rubber gloves, chop up the peppers and stuff them into the twinkies.  Remember to wash your rubber gloves thoroughly when you're finished!! 

Step 3: Put the twinkies onto your compost pile..... and wait for the bear to return.

Step 4: Bear eats twinkies and has one memorable experience..... so memorable s/he learns to stay wide and clear of your compost bin, and perhaps other compost bins too.  Ta dah!


colin olmstead said...

Attracting bears with twinkies so you can poison them is disgusting and wrong on so many levels

It is also completely unnecessary and possibly illegal.

colin olmstead said...

That may be the stupidest cruelest thing I have heard this month. Not sure what article you are reading but here is the E-how article I saw

you suck by the way