Monday, June 14, 2010

Thank you # 1

A month or so ago I learned about a really cool blog...... totally focused to one thing.... the art of saying thanks.  Thanks to things we wouldn't normally pay attention to.  As I surfed through this woman's blog I started to see my own life experiences in a whole new way.  Here's the link..... check it out for yourself and see what you think....

As a deep admirer of the natural world and a Master Gardener in the making, I thought, why not take a moment now and then to outwardly say a little thank you to mother nature and my gardening adventures.  Here's the first of what I hope will be many more notes of appreciation.....

Dear conifer candles,
Thank you for making me pay closer attention to the ocean of evergreen trees we have here in the PNW.

I love how you dust the tips of the branches each spring, and add a new dimension to what's outside my window.
Thanks again,

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