Saturday, January 23, 2010

Class Session # 3

Man, that was a grinder..... not the content, that was quite interesting, but the fact that we had to SIT through a L-O-N-G day of lecturing....  I'm just not someone that can sit still for very long, so a full day of it was a real pill to swallow.

Mary Robson was our presenter today...... for both the morning and afternoon sessions.
This morning could have easily turned into an absolute misery - crawling through the details of pesticides, EPA, regulatory history and policy, evolving environmental attitudes and the like, but Mary did a great job of keeping things moving along, and her great sense of humor helped get the point across on many key points. 

After lunch we took on lighter topics..... roses and bulbs.   Roses..... aaaaaah, the quintessential English flower....'d think my heritage would give me a leg up on the subject, but alas, I seriously lack intelligence in this area, except for being an expert at receiving gorgeous bouquets of them from my adoring husband!    Using photos from her own garden and other places she's visited,  Mary showed us how to tell the difference between Hybrid Tea roses, Old Roses, English Roses... and the umpteen other variations of roses that are out there....... plus she shared many other nuggets of information on care, growing preferences, common diseases and the like.

Bulbs........ spring bulbs to be exact, was the final topic of the day.  

From what makes a bulb a bulb and a corm a corm, to understanding their annual growing cycle and which are the most fragrant, spread most rapidly, and transplant well.  With daffies already peeking out of the ground outside this was a delightful way to end our day, and to celebrate the fact that we're 1/4 of the way through the classes.  Time sure does fly when you're having fun, doesn't it?!    :)

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