Sunday, February 21, 2010

Week 6: Homework and stuff

Having been out of town for a few days I had a lot of catching up to do.  Amazing how quickly the work can pile up if you don't/can't stay on top of things......

We had umpteen (and I mean umpteen) videos to watch this week.  A few of them were a good 30-40 mins or more, but the rest were just 2-8 mins in length.... fragments of information on various aspects of fruit/berry/vertebrate stuff.  I'm finding this format quite irritating - the pdf that comes with the video is just a verbatim script so not a helpful reference on what we're watching.  Hard to get my head around it when it's like that.  We need a concise summary of each video and fewer/longer more cohesive videos rather than this cherry picking format.... seems like when they forgot to include some information on something they quickly whipped up another video to cover it. 

Ran into some technical trouble with two of the assignments..... need to chase down one of the online technical support guys to get it resolved before I can complete them.

Not the smoothest week..... but hard to expect it to all be perfect first time around.  They've got kinks to work out, that's for sure!

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